Monday, July 31, 2017

Mommy's Favorite Milestones

Some parents wait anxiously for that first word, or the first steps.  Those milestones are for chumps. You spend the next 17 or so years telling them to sit down and be quiet.  The real milestones that actually make a difference in Mommy's world are way different than what you find spaces for in baby books.

1.  Being able to hold your own bottle - I had twins, and I can tell you, I contorted into all sorts of positions with various pillows and boppys to be able to feed 2 babies at once.  As soon as they were able to hold their own bottles, my entire world changed!

2.  Being able to self feed - Once you are able to sit them in a high chair with some puffs or a saltine, again, your world changed. You can cook a meal, you can eat a meal, perhaps even while it is hot!

3.  Throwing up in the toilet -  When the twins were 3 or so, we were cursed with a stomach bug.  However, my daughter had an aha moment.  "I frow up in da toilet so I don't make a mess." Yes YESYESYES!!! Life changing indeed.

4.  Being able to get their own cereal - This will change your weekend mornings.  You may actually be able to sleep beyond the break of dawn.

5.  Being able to answer the phone - My house phone is able to announce the name of the caller.  I have it programmed to say if "Daddy" or "Grandma" is calling.  My cell phone has pictures of beloved family members.  It is wonderful to let them pick up the phone, especially if I am in the shower.  If they do happen to accidentally pick up and get a telemarketer, the results are often amusing.  My preschooler once gave one poor unsuspecting person an earful about how there aren't many words that begin with the letter X.

6.  Locating their father - No longer do I have to scream up the stairs, or tramp out to the garage in my pajamas. I can relay messages through my children.

7.  Packing lunches - This is not my favorite thing.  Some moms do love notes and cute heart sandwich cutouts.  I use my credit card to put money in the school lunch account. My eldest quickly learned that if she didn't want to eat goulash on Tuesdays, she would have to pack her own lunch. One less thing for me in the mornings.

8.  Dressing oneself - Speaking of mornings, picking out their own clothes and being able to actually put them on their body is a big deal.  We have discovered that my younger daughter has quite the fashion sense.  In contrast, my son has a sense of humor about his clothes, and frequently declares it is backwards day if you point out that Mario should be on his chest and not on his back.

9.  Buckling seat belts - No more back seat yoga poses!  I have ended up underneath the car on an icy day whilst attempting to buckle wiggly toddlers in snow suits into 5 point harnesses.

10.  Being able to tell you about their day - Relaying a story is no small feat.  I have 2 kids in speech therapy. Them being able to tell you that they had grilled cheese for lunch and then did finger paints at school and baked cookies at grandma's house is a really big deal.  For the moments that I miss, I get to feel like I was there.

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