Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Dancy Dance Dilemas

I'm thinking of signing my son up for dance.  My eldest daughter has danced for 3 years now, and mostly she loves it.  The twins have come with me for nearly all of her weekly classes.  They both stand pressed to the window and watch the class with longing to join in the fun. There has been the occasional melt down at not being allowed in.  Now that the twins are 3, they will be able to start classes in the fall.  I've had this plan all along, but as registration day approaches the detractors are coming out. Let me explain my reasoning just for the record:

1.  All of them will be going to one place.  I'm hoping to get lesson times adjacent to one another.
2.  All things being equal, all 3 of them should have the same opportunities.
3.  There is very little else in this one stoplight town as activities for kids go (at least at age 3).
     a.There is a karate place, but I think teaching him karate may just result in him beating on his sisters with increased efficiency.
     b.There is also the opportunity to do horseback riding.  However my son will not go near horses.
     c. Opportunities increase as you drive nearer to the city, but time is limited and gas is expensive.
4. Dance is good exercise.
5. There is an artistic component which I love. They learn the art of dance, and also music appreciation.
6. The dance studio does have a terrific program for boys.  He will have to sit through Kinderdance for a couple of years though. After their 3rd year they get to specialize in different styles of dance.
7. Anyone who says dance is just for girls is narrow minded.
8. I have this fantasy of my twins doing a pas de deux together.
9. He will be the cool kid at the school dances.
10.  To his future wife: YOU'RE WELCOME!

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