Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Some Weeks Are Just That Way

   I decided it would be a good idea to take a short term, evening temp job.  We were hurting a bit after a payroll hiccup courtesy of my husband's employer. This job was near to his so I could drop the kids to him in true baton parenting style and get my groove on.  To actually be a contributing member of the work force again felt good.  I kept getting compliments on how great I was doing, especially considering I was new.  The work was interesting too and not too stressful.  But as any working mom knows, the pull of home started.
     By the end of the week, my 6 year old called me the worst mom ever as I was trying to hurry them along to eat so we could leave.  After 2 weeks the laundry piles were insane and the house was a wreck.  It was also finals week for me.  I wasn't too worried.  I only had 2 oral Spanish exams.  Thankfully I got a text from a classmate reminding me that our final was on Friday, or I may not have shown up.  Both cars have been in the shop.  Normally with me as a SAHM that would be somewhat doable, but with 2 of us working it was insane.   The newer of the 2 was covered under warranty (thank you!).  My 7 year old minivan was not however.  Buh bye money from my 2 week temp job.
     It all culminated this morning.  I was trying to find clothes for the kids to wear.  I had just bought my twins coordinated Mickey and Minnie shirts.  Since we were attending an event for my twins club, I wanted them to wear them.  Did I mention my laundry piles?  I quickly found Minnie.  I thought Mickey would be close at hand, but no.  I went through 7 loads of yet to be folded laundry looking for Mickey.  I finally gave up.  Toy Story will have to do.  Then my 3 year old son has a fit.  He wanted the Mickey. Put him in the car naked I tell my husband.  Thankfully my husband got him dressed.  Then the lovely car seat shuffle ensued.  My minivan was still being fixed, so we had to take my husband's smaller car.  It had 2 carseats, but not the 3rd.  Getting all 3 car seats in is a minor feat of geometry and gymnastics.  Back seat gymnastics should be a whole lot more fun.
     We were on our way.  I call the host of our event to them know we are coming, but we are just a wee bit behind schedule.  Then the mechanic calls.  Car is all set and ready to pick up.  I should also know that he closes at noon and is not open on Sunday or Monday.  We cannot survive another 3 days on one car, so we turn off in the direction of the mechanic's shop.  We bend over, I mean pay the mechanic and switch the kids back to the beloved minivan (after all it does have a DVD player).  Then we got caught in traffic. Lately it seems there is construction on every egress in our area.  Tax dollars at work and job creation is fine and dandy, until it impedes my ability to get out of my one stoplight town.  I am usually more likely to get stuck behind a tractor than get stuck in traffic.
     We finally got to our event, just shy of an hour late.  Thankfully another mom arrived just before we did.  I love my twins moms.  They are all wonderful people, and we all have the same affliction.  The kids proceeded to have a wonderful time and they played so nicely together.  We even went out and had a nice lunch with little to no incident.  It did turn out to be a very nice day overall.
     I just wonder if the little bit (and I do mean little) of extra money was worth the hassle.  My house, my kids, my husband and my sanity have all suffered this week.  We gave the entirety of my 2, (yes not one but 2!) paychecks to the mechanic.  Gas is down this week, but still ridiculous, and take out isn't cheap either.  I guess my struggle to find balance continues.

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